
Monday, April 03, 2006

Reverse Analysis of Rang De Basanti

The first time I saw this movie I just fell in love with it...It was the perfect Indian movie, it had good cast, comedy, music, camera work, direction, screenplay, romance, patriotism, revenge, etc. But one thing I noticed when I saw the movie for the second time was that there were a couple of loop holes in the movie...Somebody please try and explain this to me!

1) Sue comes to India to make a documentary movie with practically no funding but a camera (I guess!). So who sponsors her for the expensive sets that are shown as a part of her movie?

2) To whom is she going to show the movie to once she completes it? To the English? Really? What makes her think that anybody will want to watch it (Like her boss asks her)? I mean isn't it ridiculous to think that anybody in GB will watch it? How many Indians will watch it? Most of them have already seen Gandhi or Bagat Singh and know about these guys...What makes her think that she can make or expect all Indians to have the same emotions as her?

3) All six friends including Maddy were happily enjoying life in their own way in their own not-so-super country, India. Enters a Britisher with an idea to make a stupid movie, then what happens? She gets them killed...Normally these kids would have mourned their friends loss, felt depressed, dejected, and then in a few days after cursing the government, after feeling further disillusioned about India they would have gotten back to their routine! But what did she do? She got them killed because it was her idea that they should feel patriotic...Thus ending the movie saying that more killings of ministers will happen to make India a better place...As if we do not have enough violence yet!

4) Was the moral of the story well received? Just like our ancestors (the freedom fighters) fought with British and got rid of them 150 years of being their slave...We should also do the same...Wait for 150 years before we emerge as a role model country!

Oops! Sorry...That was not what I wanted to write...Just like our ancestors (the freedom fighters) fought with British and got rid of them 150 years of being their slave...Forget non-violence and Gandhi but instead resort to arms and killings? Sweet I hope at least half the country still believes in Gandhi and his non-violent motion...

5) Aamir explains that he has at his college in spite of having graduated fives years back because he has an identity there, people know him, they know that DJ will do something...
Really??? In my college we called them LOSERS!!! If a person even had more than two arrears after graduating they were called LOOKERS!!! And if his friends were also of the same kind, staying in school after graduating...Then they are also a bunch of LOOKERS...And they did perfectly well what LOOKERS do! In fact Maddy is the only one with any character in the movie...

Now I guess I have given enough reasons to say why I did not mention STORY as one of their strong points in my first paragraph! If you think otherwise about the movie let me know...I would surely enjoy reading it...I love movies...Logical and illogical ones alike...But I like to analyze them just the same and wonder if I can suggest any changes...and during this process I hit upon these above mentioned misfits in an almost perfect movie...


Anu Russell said...

Like Karan tells in the movie RDB...Just a movie! Just a movie! we Indians are always used to telling this and land up sending Paheli for Oscars competing with movies that have something real! I don't want to watch an art movie but I would surely love watching a sensible movie!!!

Thanks for visiting Isis!

Trevor Penn said...

From my own talk with a Dr. Cooper from oxford univ, there apparently is a general feeling of guilt (still with an air of superiority though) among the british for their extended Colonialism in India... So, it isn't unfair to think that the freelance movie would sell...

Anonymous said...

Why--A reverse analysis of RDB?
I could not stand this movie for more than 30min. The music seems straight cut and paste from an American movie. The story is slower than a turtle. I think the diminutive fella thinks that he can do what he wants and get away with it. God bless him and Indian cinema.