
Monday, July 10, 2006

Do I do weird things? Really? Never thought of it like that!

Golly, thanks Seashells for tagging me! Now you have made me think and as most of my friend's know I hate thinking! And do I have to write just five weird things I do? Now that is difficult...

People who know me really well already know that I am on the verge of becoming a full fledged person with OCD! And do weird things aplenty...Like, I cannot eat tomatoes but can eat tomato soup and sauce, hate brinjal and most of the vegetables but I call myself a vegetarian! I can eat the butter chicken gravy (yummm!) but not the chicken itself! And many more...But in a list here are five of my weird traits!

Bathroom door: I cannot sleep without the bathroom door that can be accessed from my bedroom closed. Even if it is slightly open and I notice it when tossing during a deep sleep, I will get up and close it.

Knife under my pillow: Before me and my hubby started living together, I kept a knife under my pillow...Just in case! I really did...I am shit scared of robbers and Thiefs! The funny thing, I really don't know if I can use a knife to defend myself...

Talk in my sleep: I big time blabber in my sleep. I just freaked a friend out last weekend when we were sleeping in the same room...The first time she was scared and kept it to herself and the second time she started to giggle (it was funny I guess if you knew what my dream was)...I woke up because of her giggle and both of started laughing loudly waking everybody up! Ya, I have funny dreams and what I blabber is almost always funny!

My Comforter: Needs to be used only in one direction. There is a head side to it and a foot side to it. I usually mark it with a pin or use the label that comes with it as a marker. If this gets changed then I cannot sleep...I might go to the extent of waking the person sharing it with me to adjust it before getting back to sleep. Also my comforter needs to be tucked below my legs to about three inches. Anything less, then I will sit up, adjust it to precision before falling asleep...

Reading: I am a compulsive reader. I need to constantly keep reading something if I am not working or watching TV. I sometimes get so bored that I start reading fine print disclaimers, instructions behind shampoo bottles, toothpaste, hair gel, cake batter, etc.

I want to tag my fellow bloggers...
Sam Chan
Can I know about weird things you guys do?


Bishwanath Ghosh said...

Hi Anu: What does tagging mean? Give me a clue please!

Trevor Penn said...

weirdo :P

Megha Bansal said...

I second seashells...hahaha...
but i think sometimes, we do these weird things to make a pattern in our otherwise scattered life...
actually no...i am making a big deal out of this OCD!!
hahaha....carry on being the way u are...u rock!

Asmyaham said...

your tag has been completed madam.. :)

Mother Nature said...

thank you for a nice comment.Agreed Annu, Bathing is good habit. but the last habit is pretty weird. So I think I can be one of the group of weirds. But if you say that I am not I am glad, really.